16 research outputs found

    Direct calculation of interfacial tensions from computer simulation: Results for freely jointed tangent hard sphere chains

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    We develop a methodology for the calculation of surface free energies based on the probability distribution of a wandering interface. Using a simple extension of the NpT sampling, we allow the interface area to randomly probe the available space and evaluate the surface free energy from histogram analysis and the corresponding average. The method is suitable for studying systems with either continuous or discontinuous potentials, as it does not require explicit evaluation of the virial. The proposed algorithm is compared with known results for the surface tension of Lennard--Jones and Square Well fluid, as well as for the interface tension of a bead--spring polymer model and good agreement is found. We also calculate interfacial tensions of freely jointed tangent hard sphere chains on athermal walls for a wide range of chain lengths and densities. The results are compared with three different theoretical approaches, Scaled Particle Theory, the Yu and Wu density functional theory and an analytical approximation based on the latter approach. Whereas SPT only yields qualitative results, the last two approaches are found to yield very good agreement with simulations.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. E in press

    Opening Access To Practice-based Evidence in Clinical Decision Support Systems with Natural Query Language

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    Evidence-based medicine can be effective only if constantly tested against errors in medical practice. Clinical record database summarization supported by a machine allows allow to detect anomalies and therefore help detect the errors in early phases of care. Summarization system is a part of Clinical Decision Support Systems however it cannot be used directly by the stakeholder as long as s/he is not able to query the clinical record database. Natural Query Languages allow opening access to data for clinical practitioners, that usually do not have knowledge about articial query languages. Results: We have developed general purpose reporting system called Ask Data Anything (ADA) that we applied to a particular CDSS implementation. As a result, we obtained summarization system that opens the access for these of clinical researchers that were excluded from the meaningful summary of clinical records stored in a given clinical database. The most significant part of the component - NQL parser - is a hybrid of Controlled Natural Language (CNL) and pattern matching with a prior error repair phase. Equipped with reasoning capabilities due to the intensive use of semantic technologies, our hybrid approach allows one to use very simple, keyword-based (even erroneous) queries as well as complex CNL ones with the support of a predictive editor. By using ADA sophisticated summarizations of clinical data are produced as a result of NQL query execution. In this paper, we will present the main ideas underlying ADA component in the context of CDSS

    Ronald Reagan a wyzwania epoki

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    Z wprowadzenia: "艢mier膰 Ronalda Reagana w czerwcu 2004 r. zamkn臋艂a znacz膮c膮 epok臋 w dziejach Europy i 艣wiata. Reagan symbolizowa艂 pokolenie polityk贸w, kt贸rym przysz艂o dzia艂a膰 w czasach szybkiej dekompozycji dw贸ch, wydawa艂oby si臋 niepodwa偶alnych pewnik贸w politycznych dominuj膮cych po drugiej wojnie 艣wiatowej w 艣wiecie zachodnim. Z polityk贸w tych by艂 tym, kt贸ry przyczyni艂 si臋 w olbrzymiej mierze do podwa偶enia obu z nich."(...

    Chasing the Critical Wetting Transition. An Effective Interface Potential Method

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    Wettablity is one of the important characteristics defining a given surface. Here we show that the effective interface potential method of determining the wetting temperature, originally proposed by MacDowell and Müller for the surfaces exhibiting the first order wetting transition, can also be used to estimate the wetting temperature of the second order (continuous) wetting transition. Some selected other methods of determination of the wetting temperature are also discussed

    Chasing the Critical Wetting Transition. An Effective Interface Potential Method

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    Wettablity is one of the important characteristics defining a given surface. Here we show that the effective interface potential method of determining the wetting temperature, originally proposed by MacDowell and M眉ller for the surfaces exhibiting the first order wetting transition, can also be used to estimate the wetting temperature of the second order (continuous) wetting transition. Some selected other methods of determination of the wetting temperature are also discussed